Mathematical Modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour

Valencia, September 6th-9th, 2011

The Instituto de Matematica Multidisciplinar organizes a conference on applications of Mathematical Models to Human Behaviour and Engineering. The conference takes place at the Polytechnic City of Innovation , a research complex of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Discussions on the applications of mathematical techniques and tools to social sciences and Engineering will develop in a multidisciplinary forum. The scope includes any applied mathematical model of social problems and any branch of Engineering. The Elsevier Journal Mathematical and Computer Modelling will publish the proceedings of this conference. This journal has increased its impact factor to 1.032 (JCR 2008) and it is now ranked alongside the best journals on its field.

NEW: Guidelines for the Submission of your paper to the special issue.

  Organized by the IMM: 

         Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: 




Last update: January 10, 2011