Accepted communications

Corresponding AuthorSpeakerInstitutionTitle
Tomás CaraballoUniversidad de SevillaSome features about random and stochastic modeling in Epidemiology
Hugo de la CruzSchool of Applied Mathematics. FGVEmbedded stable methods for the adaptive integration of stiff stochastic differential equations
Luis AcedoCentro Universitario de Plasencia, University of ExtremaduraA unified mathematical model for the late accelerated expansion and the early Universe’s inflation
Begoña Cantó ColominaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaDoubly quasi-stochastic and strictly checkerboard matrices of order 3
María Consuelo Casabán BartualUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaRandom non-local Fisher-KPP population models
Danilo Di MiceliCalifornia State University Northridge Multi-criteria risk analysis for railway vehicle maintenance
Renso V. Rojas-HicianoPontificia Universidad Católica Madre y MaestraA Class of Maximally Efficient Sixth-Order Iterative Schemes for Systems of Nonlinear Equations
José Javier MartínezUniversidad de AlcaláContributions to the dialogue between Statistics and Numerical Linear Algebra
Raquel BalbásUniversity Carlos III of MadridOptimal combinations of derivative securities
Ana MarcoUniversidad de AlcaláAccurate bidiagonal decomposition of Lupas-type (p,q)-analogue of the Bernstein basis and applications
Lourdes Gómez-ValleUniversidad de ValladolidPricing Forward Freight Agreement contracts with time-delay stochastic processes
Alejandro Sanz SanchezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaPhantom generation for Neural Networks
Clara Burgos SimónUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaA complete probabilistic study to the Random Fractional Legendre Differential Equation: Solution, Moments and Density
Aida AbiadEindhoven University of TechnologyA spectral approach to Kemeny’s constant
Francisco PedrocheUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaTowards a new method for team ranking in the Spanish football league
Sukhjit SinghUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaGlobal convergence of a fifth order iterative method under weaker conditions
Arleen Katherine Ledesma ColladoUniversidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD)Local convergence analysis of a fourth order family of iterative methods in Banach spaces
José-Manuel ReyComplutense University of MadridSustainability of a romantic relationship via computational differential games modeling
Philipp GettoUniversidad de Castilla y La Mancha (UCLM)A functional differential equation from cell biology
José ValeroUniversidad Miguel Hernández de ElcheAbout an stochastic differential equation with nonlocal discrete diffusion modeling life tables
Juan M. PeñaUniversidad de ZaragozaOptimal properties of B-bases
Francisco J. Navarro GonzálezUniversidad de AlicanteUse of guided genetic algorithms in optimization problems
Màrius Josep Fullana i AlfonsoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaOn the study of PN1 cross terms in the evolution of EMRIs
Elaine Altagracia Segura AlcántaraUniversidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD)Inverse Matrix Estimations By Iterative Methods
Roberta LimaPontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de JaneiroThe hybrid time scales of an electromechanical system
Jesús Martín VaqueroUniversidad de SalamancaScattering of kinks with a restriction on the sphere
José Antonio López OrtíUniversitat Jaume I de CastellónExtension of certain temporal transformations used in the elliptic two-body problem to the hyperbolic case
Luca BergamaschiUniversity of PadovaBlock preconditioners for double saddle point linear systems arising in coupled poromechanics
Rubén Blesa Pardo and Eric Montalbán RoldánUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaAnalysis of a two-step iterative family with a free parameter for solving nonlinear systems.
Juan A. AledoUniversidad de Castilla-La ManchaSolving the puzzle game ICOXTREM
Jorge M. Alves-AntunesUniversity of ValladolidA digital twin for financial trading using news headlines: An application to the Dow Jones average index.
Guillem Gómez i BlanchUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaDiatomic Molecular Vibration in a Strong Gravitational Field
Vera EgorovaUniversidad de CantabriaRandom Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Models in Population Dynamics
Angeles Martinez CalomardoUniversity of TriesteSVD preconditioners and Parallel-in-Time Solver for the All-at-Once Runge--Kutta Discretization
María José Jiménez Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaRandom Walks meet M-matrices
Emilio Defez CandelUniversidad Politécnica de ValenciaAn efficient method to compute the matrix cosine based on Chebyshev polynomials
Bruno BrentanCalifornia State University Northridge Complex Network Theory and Multi-criteria Analysis applied to risk assessment in water distribution systems
Mostafa ADIMYINRIA and ICJ Lyon - FranceContinuous-time differential-difference models in population dynamics and epidemiology
Carlos Sevilla and Manuél SellésUniversitat Politécnica de ValènciaResolution of Nonlinear Systems with an Iterative Parametric Family
Robert E. KooijTU Delft Approximations for Kemeny's Constant for Several Families of Graphs and Real-Wold Networks
José M. AlonsoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaOn the use of Euler polynomials to approximate the hyperbolic matrix cosine
Jordi Linares-PellicerUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaEnhancing Efficiency in Mathematical Research with Generative AI: Tools and Techniques
Andrés M. EncinasUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya-EEBEOn the spectrum of Jacobi almost-Toeplitz matrices. Application to Jacobi bisymmetric matrices
Antonio Hervás-JorgeInstituto Universitario de Matemática MultidisciplinarSearching communities’ in badly conditioned graphs (and 4)
Àlvar Martín LlopisUniversitat Politècnica de CatalunyaKemeny's constant in Schrödinger Random Walks
José Carlos R. AlcantudUniversidad de SalamancaA joint Choquet index from two vectors of weights
Davide LiessiUniversity of UdinePractical approximation of Lyapunov exponents of population models
Laura OrtízUniversitat Miguel HernándezOn the statistics of the degraded CMB Maps
Julissa Hermelinda Jerezano Ulloa Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaAn optimal scheme for finding multiple roots free of derivatives
José Alberto ReyesInstituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)Stability Analysis of a New Fourth-Order Optimal Iterative Scheme Jarratt-Type
Fiza ZafarBahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, PakistanA Hybrid Jarratt–Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Nonlinear Problems and Applications
José MarínUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaRandomized approximate inverse preconditioning
Shima AsghariDepartment of Mathematics, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, IranEnhancing Convergence and Stability in Conformable Fractional Iterative Methods with Weight Functions: A Comprehensive Study
José Eduardo Souza de CursiInstitut National des Sciences Appliquées de RouenUncertainty Quantification - examples, challenges and perspectives
Cristina Pérez DiukinaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaModeling COVID-19 Spread in Chile: Integrating Spatial Population Dynamics within the SIR Framework
Miguel A. ZavalaUniversidad de AlcaláScaling up tree growth with an analytical size-structured model to assess forest resilience under increasing aridity.
Sergio TorregrosaArts et Métiers Institute of TechnologySurrogate Parametric Metamodel Based On Optimal Transport
Shaodong ZhaoI.U. de Matemática Multidisciplinar, Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaResolution problem of galactic binaries in LISA data
Edgar S. CarlinInstituto de Astrofisica de CanariasReformulation of the polarized radiative transfer problem with the Magnus expansion
Antmel Rodríguez CabralInstituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)About the stability of self-accelerating parameters in vectorial iterative methods without memory
Benito Chen-CharpentierUniversity of Texas at ArlingtonA Mathematical Model of Liver Regeneration
Sorina Madalina SferleUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaApplication of an extension of the random Verhulst model
Neus Garrido SaezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaDynamical study of a family for solving nonlinear equations with multiple roots
Marcos Llamazares LópezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaMathematical Modeling for the Window to the Brain: application of the Hybrid Digital Twins to enhance precision
Antoni Vidal FerràndizUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaA restarted proper orthogonal decomposition method to integrate the neutron diffusion equation
Ramón Serrano MontesinosUniversitat de ValènciaRelativistic Positioning: the clarifying example of four static emitters
Gregorio SernaUniversity of AlcaláTime-Varying Expected Returns, Conditional Skewness and Bitcoin Return Predictability
Empar Navarro GamónUniversitat Politècnica de València.Study of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Classifying and Locating Neutron Noise Perturbations.
Joaquin Francisco Valencia SullcaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaProbabilistic Analysis of Random Nonlinear Oscillators via the Equivalent Linearization Technique
Eliseo NavarroUnviversidad de AlcaláImpact of COVID-19 by sex and age on two countries 2002-2022. The cases of Mexico and Spain and its impact on mortality risk for life insurance products
Ioan-Lucian Popa"1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, RomaniaLyapunov Functions for Random One-Sided Systems in Terms of Nonuniform Exponential Stability
José Mas MaríUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaPreconditioning least squares problems with V-AISM
Fatima Zohra LachachiUniversity of AlicanteMean field and pair approximation analyses of a semiarid vegetation model
David Santiago Pellicer ZubeldíaUniversity of ZaragozaAnalysis of the rolling phenomenon of a reduced-diameter railway wheel for freight wagons, as a function of operating factors
Nikita KopylovUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaEfficient scaling and squaring method for the matrix exponential
Ana Navarro QuilesUniversitat de ValènciaA spatiotemporal epidemiological model for studying disease progression in plants
Alicia Herrero DebónUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaA control model for an indirect transmission disease
Carlos Andreu-VilarroigUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaThe SIRn model: coupling seasonality and immunity in the modeling of flu transmission dynamics
Mario Compte Socas and Daniel García BustamanteUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaParametric case of family study
Álvaro SamperioUniversidad de ValladolidStatistical guarantees in the sparse recovery of an electrical network
Javier GonzálezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaAn enhanced Gravitational Search Algorithm suited for the optimization of space missions
Ezio VenturinoUniversita' di TorinoOn possible invasion mechanisms of migrant species
Ferney GómezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaDisease detection system for olive trees using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)
Alejandro MarcoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaContinuous monitoring system for the safe storage and use of hydrogen in hydrogenerators
Anabel Arias IDVIA 2020 Horizonte 2020 Innovative and intelligent technology for in situ early diagnosis and prediction of concrete carbonation progress for predictive maintenance of bridges
Juan Ramón SánchezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSystem for detection and prediction of the phenomenon of brittleness in the natural gas transmission network combined with hydrogen
Guillermo AlandíUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSystem for detecting pathologies in wind turbines by means of use of digital and artificial intelligence techniques
Salvador MateoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaDam’s predictive maintenance system based on it’s twin-model development
Polina BatalovaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaStreet furniture with high resistance to marine environment and aesthetic finish
Jorge PavónUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaNew system for the diagnosis of fouling and corrosion in heat exchangers using the Digital Twin
Julia I. RealUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSystem for the optimization of irrigation water intended for gardens from its Digital Twin
Javier MaldonadoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaStructural health monitoring of bridge infrastructures using single-pass SAR data
Adrián MirallesUniversitat Politècnica de Valèncianovel integrated system for the inspection of train wheels capable of detecting both the wear level and other local defect on the wheel tread
Reynaldo CabezasIDVIA 2020 HORIZONTE 2020Innovative platform to develop and establish short supply chains through integration with smart tools for on-tree citrus assessment and dynamic price
Gonzalo MuineloUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaIntegral control system for building works based on an Augmented Reality device
Juan A. PucholUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaDesign and development of an auscultation system for the prevention of deformations in pavements and roundabouts
Laura AndrésUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaIntegral system for the auscultation, diagnosis and predictive maintenance of railway tracks based on inertial techniques and GNSS georeferencing
Juan Carlos Orengo ValverdePonce Heatlh Sciences UniversityAssessing Dengue transmission in the Southern of Puerto Rico implementing an agent-based model
Salvador Mengual SendraUniversitat de ValènciaT-model field equations: The general solution