Abstract submission: April 15th

To present your work at the conference you must submit an abstract of your work of 1-8 pages long. If accepted, this abstract will be published in the open access book of abstracts with ISBN before the congress.
To submit the abstract go to submission page. Instructions can be found there.

Abstract acceptance: May 20th

The organising committee will meet in May to decide about every abstract. Acceptance or rejection will be communicated by e-mail before May 20th . Remember that, if accepted, you should prepare a 15 min presentation plus 5 minutes of questions. All communications are oral.

Early registration: Until June 1st

Late registration: Until July 7th

Conference fee: 400 €.

You can use this link to register and proceed for the payment of the registration fee (bank transfer or credit card).

Conference dates:

From July 9th to July 11th. At Universitat Politècnica de València.

The venue of the conference will be Universitat Politècnica de València, ETS Informática, Building 1E of Universitat Politècnica de València.

Buildin 1E map