Special Issue: Modeling and Simulation of Complex Networks for Automation in Systems Engineering

Dear Colleagues, Paradigms in systems engineering, such as industrial processes, infrastructure management, and service assurance, are interrelated, and quickly adapt to the complexities of automated systems, helping them to achieve optimal performance. Technology breakthroughs related to cyber-physical systems, such as sensors and smart meters, are the key to real-time automated… Show more

Mathematics in dance

Matemáticas en danza

From the Departamento de Matemática Aplicada y los Institutos Universitarios de Matemática Multidisciplinar y Matemática Pura y Aplicada, with the Vicerrectorado de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad de la Universitat Politècnica de València. We are pleased to announce that on Monday 27 February at 17:00 h we will jointly celebrate,… Show more

I Premios Investigación UPV

On 24th November 2022, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) awarded 20 prizes to different researchers and investigators belonging to the academic institution itself, as part of the 1st edition of the UPV Research Awards. These awards recognise the work of its most outstanding staff. The award for the Excellent… Show more